Repair of facilities of coke oven batteries with refractory materials

Repair of facilities of coke oven batteries with refractory materials

Company: Private limited company “STs Vohnetryv Servis” (Service center Fireproofing Service)

The company is in the business of doing a variety of fireproofing repairs, including works performed during exploitaition.

Task: Repair of facilities of coke oven batteries with refractory materials in Avdiivka at PJSC “AVDIIVKA AKKhZ” (Avdiivka Coke Plant).

Solution: AC-2 shotcrete machine, equipped with a special nozzle, polyurethane sealing plates and a 20 meters long material hose DN 42 was used during these works.

Result: The furnace operates without stopping for intermediate repairs thanks to a solution involving a special nozzle that allows the application of refractory material in hard-to-reach places during exploitation.