Possibilities of Shotcreting
- Theory
- Possibilities

Shotcreting has been known for more than a hundred years, and the areas and scope of its application in the world are constantly growing. Initially, dry-mix process (gunite) shotcreting was used to consolidate soils and repair reinforced concrete structures. Eventually, as the possibilities of shotcrete equipment broadened, shotcreting became a more flexible technology capable of solving the most complex tasks of cementation without using the formwork as well as application of various compositions on curved and hard-to-access surfaces.
Today, shotcreting is an advanced technology, and it is an essential part of high-quality repair of reinforced concrete infrastructure, construction of shafts and tunnels, the main technological processes in metallurgy, cement, and chemical industries. A large international community of dedicated specialists works to develop the technology, bringing new possibilities to shotcreting on a daily basis. The composition and formulation of shotcrete mixes and the design of shotcreting equipment are in continuous evolution.
In civil engineering shotcrete is used almost everywhere:from soil consolidation in construction pits to decorative applications such as the creation of artificial rocks. Deserving of special attention is the construction method of complex structures by shotcreting along one-sided formwork, which allows erecting complex architectural structures without manufacturing expensive custom formwork.
Concrete repair
High compaction makes shotcreting an ideal repair solution for reinforced concrete structures of all kinds. Repairs done with shotcreting are characterized by high adhesion to the base, a long service life and outstanding work efficiency.
- Theory
- Possibilities

Stages and shotcreting cost in the repair of reinforced concrete structures by shotcreting
- Cases
- Theory
- Possibilities

Repairing reinforced concrete structures: types and restoration options
- Theory

Dry-mix and wet-mix shotcreting: comparison and applications
- Theory

Dictionary of shotcrete terms
- Economics
- Theory